Shareware Grab Bag
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GRAB The Envelope Address Printer - Copyright 1987 By Paul Mayer
Have you ever wanted to have your favorite word processor take
the name and address from a letter and print your envelope?
Well now it is possible with GRAB! GRAB is a memory resident
program that will allow you to point at the address in your let-
ter, GRAB IT, and then print your envelope for you.
There are four files that comprise the GRAB system:
GRAB.COM - The memory resident program.
RGRAB.COM - The GRAB removal program.
GRABCFG.COM - A configuration utility.
GRAB.DOC - This file.
By using the GRABCFG program you can change many of the GRAB
default settings. GRABCFG.COM and GRAB.COM must be in the same
directory when you do this. You may configure GRAB to print the
return address if you do not use custom stationary. The con-
figuration utility must be run to install your return address in
the GRAB program. If you have a Hewlett Packard LaserJet or
LaserJet II Printer you can take advantage of the envelope feed.
This installation is also in the configuration program. The GRAB
program should also be installed as if it should check your prin-
ter or not before attempting to print the envelope. This check
will work on most systems. If it does not you should configure
it not to check the printer and let DOS do the checking for you.
GRAB comes configured for the standard business size envelope
which is 4 x 9 1/2 in size. You can change GRAB with the con-
figuration program to print on the smaller 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 size.
If you do not like the default print locations for the two dif-
ferent envelopes you can adjust them in the configuration on page
four of the configuration utility.
GRAB also can send an initialization string to the printer as
well as an exit string. The use for this would be if you have a
dot matrix printer that requires a special code to turn the
'letter quality mode' on and another code to return the printer
to it's normal state. You would enter the decimal codes from
your printer manual in the configuration program. An example of
this would be to set the Epson FX286 to 'letter quality mode'.
Enter in the first block available for the Init string the
decimal code for escape which is 27 then in the second block
available enter the decimal code for G which is 71. These two
codes will send an escape G to the printer before printing your
envelope. The exit string would be entered in the Exit string
blocks using the codes for escape H (or 27 72) in the first two
blocks available. You have a string of up to eight blocks for
both the Init string and the Exit string.
The Init string can be made to print at the beginning of each
line also in the configuration.
To install GRAB for use just type GRAB at the DOS prompt.
To have GRAB install itself along with your word processor you
might consider using a batch file like shown below as this will
install GRAB then load your word processor and after your
finished it will remove GRAB from memory.
To invoke GRAB just enter into your favorite word processor and
when you have your letter on the screen with the address showing,
just hit the ALT key along with the Z key.
The Alt Z 'Hot Key' can be changed in the configuration program.
You may select any combination of either the control key or the
Alt key with one of the F keys one thru ten. Also available for
your selection is a combination of the Alt key along with any of
the alphabet keys A thru Z.
***NOTE**** Do not invoke GRAB from the DOS command as DOS is not
re-entrant and the computer will lock up and require re-booting.
After you invoke the system, GRAB will then mark the screen with
the area that will be printed on the envelope. You can move this
area around with the arrow keys on the keypad to cover the
address that you want to print. The size of this marker can be
slightly altered. The default size is 5 lines of 40 characters
across. You can change the width of the marker with the F7,
smaller and F8, wider keys, the height with the F9 and F10 keys.
F9 will shorten the height down to 3 lines and F10 will increase
the height to a maximum of 7 lines. After you have the address
covered, just tap the ALT key along with the X key to print the
address. If you are using a standard printer you should have
positioned your envelope so the print head will cross on the
first line that you would like the address to appear. The
address will print forty spaces over from the left margin. If
you have the HP laserJet printer you will just insert your en-
velope in the standard envelope feed position. If you want to
abort the print process just hit the ESC (escape) key instead of
the ALT X key combination.
You can also type the address in to GRAB by hand if desired by
hitting ALT C when in GRAB and a window will open and request the
address. This is useful to address an envelope that you need to
send a "carbon copy" of a letter to. After typing in the address
the PgDn key will print the envelope for you.
To remove GRAB from memory just type RGRAB at the DOS prompt.
The RGRAB program will remove GRAB from memory.
GRAB is provided at no charge to the user. GRAB is a 'shareware
type program' without either expressed or implied warranties of
any kind on an 'as is' basis. Feel free to share it with your
friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
another system. The essence of 'user-supported' software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software without
high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to con-
tinue to develop new products. If you find this program useful,
a contribution ($10.00 suggested) would be greatly appreciated.
Any suggestion or comments you may have are also welcome.
ZPAY Payroll Systems
c/of Paul Mayer
3516 Ruby Street
Franklin Park, IL 60131
(312) 671-3130
(Please between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm Chicago time)
Compuserve ID 70040,645
GRAB will work on the IBM-PC/XT/AT and true compatible computers
with PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or newer. GRAB should work with most
popular word processors and printers that use 'text mode' and not
a 'graphics mode' to display text.
The following example batch file would load GRAB then load
WordStar 4. After you exit from WordStar it would remove GRAB
from memory. You should name the batch file WS4.BAT presuming
your WordStar 4 is called WS.EXE the following is presented:
That's right! Only a three line batch file.
If you have Borland's SideKick loaded, the RGRAB will say that
GRAB is not loaded when you try to remove it. This is a conflict
with SideKick resulting on the fact that SideKick takes control
of the vectors. When RGRAB is called it is filtered by SideKick
and the result is that it can not remove GRAB from memory. I
guess now we know why the SideKick manual tells us to load it
last after all other memory resident programs.
INFORMATION for tested word processors:
Deskmate (Tandy) None Works Fine.
* DisplayWrite 3 Does Not Work.
* Electric Pencil-PC Does Not Work.
Farsight (Interface Tech.) None Works Fine.
* Leading Edge Word Processor Does Not Work.
MASS 11 (MEC-Chicago) None Works Fine.
Microsoft Word (3.1) 1. Word is in TEXT mode.
(start with --> WORD/C)
is selected.
* Multimate (Ashton Tate) Does Not Work.
* Office Writer (5.0) Does Not Work.
PC-Write (2.71) None Works Fine.
PFS:Professional Write None Works Fine.
Q&A None Works Fine.
Smart System 3.10 None Works Fine.
Word Perfect 4.1 None Works Fine.
WordStar None Works Fine.
WordStar 4 None Works Fine.
WordStar 2000 None Works Fine.
* WordVision Does Not Work.
* Word Writer PC (Timeworks) Does Not Work.
* If you get one of these Word Processors to work let us know.
Please drop us a line if you have had either success or failure
with a word processor other than any of those listed above.